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Loved ones reunite!

June 29, 2020

Seeing loved ones reunite after 3+ months is heartwarming!

  Happy father’s day

Happy Father's Day

June 21, 2020

Today is a day for our residents to reflect on how wonderful it is to be a dad and process fond memories of their own fathers.

  Resuming visits during covid-19

Resuming Visits During COVID-19

June 18, 2020

Ensuring the safety of everyone is Radiant Care’s highest priority as Radiant Care welcomes visitors back to our Pleasant Manor and Tabor Manor sites.

  Individualized activities

Individualized Activities

June 17, 2020

Consistent with our Montessori philosophy of care, we continue to engage residents in activities that are meaningful and purposeful to them.

  The weather has put a spring in our step

The weather has put a spring in our step

June 10, 2020

We hope that you too are getting a much needed dose of vitamin D during these times… and perhaps a dose of vitamin FUN as well. 

  Prioritizing relationships!

Prioritizing Relationships!

June 5, 2020

It’s right there in our promises to our tenants and residents, — “To live in a familiar, faith-based, caring community where they know the people and culture, their independence is respected, daily needs taken care of, they are treated with love and dignity, and they can enjoy peace of mind knowing they will always have a home and access to excellent care.”

  Covid-19 update from our ceo

COVID-19 Update from our CEO

May 28, 2020

At Radiant Care, we continue to work tirelessly to ensure that our seniors have access to the highest level of care possible as we all navigate the ongoing pandemic situation to the best of our abilities.

  Caring and connecting pen pal initiative

Caring and Connecting Pen Pal Initiative

May 22, 2020

We are participating in the Caring & Connecting Pen Pal Initiative. This initiative works to mitigate the isolation that the elderly are experiencing during this unprecedented time, all while following physical distancing protocol. 

  We appreciate you!

We Appreciate You!

May 15, 2020

Our staff are heroes! They are dedicated, compassionate, careful, and a million other great things. We have posted these “Heroes Work Here” signs at our entrances and throughout our homes to recognize our awesome staff.

  Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day

May 10, 2020

We will be showering all of our special Moms with a little extra love today through flowers, cards, and kind words. They deserve it!

  We miss you!

We Miss You!

May 6, 2020

We wanted to give our residents an opportunity to share how they feel with all of our wonderful friends, family, volunteers, and community. You are not distant from our thoughts and prayers. We miss you! And we cannot wait to be reunited again!

  Life at radiant care during covid-19

Life at Radiant Care During COVID-19

April 30, 2020

We are taking every precaution for our wonderful friends and family. Throughout this time of worry and anxiety we are making an effort to help our seniors live their lives with love and laughter!


Today at Tabor Manor
  • 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Church Service on TV 9:00am
  • Tenants Wellness Sunday Service in Chapel 9:30am
Calendar Newsletter
Today at Pleasant Manor
  • LTC Sunday Sing Along 9:30am
  • LTC TV Church 10:45am
  • LTC Christmas Nails 2:30pm
Calendar Newsletter