Visitation Plan
Our Visitation Plan outlines visitation guidelines in all areas of the home during the COVID-19 pandemic
Students send joyful postcards
Pleasant Manor residents were thrilled to receive colourful and encouraging postcards from grade 1-3 students at Wheatley School. Thank you for brightening our days!
Pleasant Manor LTC Project Approved
We are excited to announce that the Ontario Ministry of Long-Term Care has awarded Pleasant Manor an additional 38 bed licences in support of our project to redevelop and build a new 160 bed long-term care home at our Pleasant Manor site!
Visitation Plan Update
Our Visitation Plan has been updated to reflect the levels identified in Ontario’s COVID-19 Response Framework.
We keep our minds fit with Fit Minds!
Fit Minds is an amazing & engaging program that keeps our residents on their toes as we work through many different activities. Done individually or in small groups Fit Minds is a favourite of staff and participants alike.
Inspiring each other - it’s a beautiful thing!
Though our social circles have been very limited for the past few months, our tenants continue to find ways to encourage and inspire one another. It’s a beautiful thing!
Getting pampered is so important!
Our Tabor Manor residents are feeling refreshed and a little lighter after enjoying some long-awaited professional hair care!
Summer Treats
Summer treats are one of the small pleasures in life and our Radiant Care Residents have definitely been indulging.
Change to LTC Visitation Guidelines
We have again updated the visitation guidelines for our Long-Term Care homes, in accordance with updates from the Ontario government
Spiritual Care During Pandemic
At Radiant Care, we are committed to meeting the spiritual needs of our residents and tenants. This never changes. The COVID-19 pandemic has presented many challenges but it has not changed our vision, mission, and core values. This pandemic helps us realize just how important it is to live out our theme verses in our work, love, and attitude.
Have You Calculated Your Will Power?
Radiant Care joins effort to inspire Canadians to think differently about charitable giving
Beach Week at Pleasant Manor LTC
Last week was filled with reminiscing, game playing, treat having, and excitement! Each day we enjoyed beachy decor in the dinning room, as well as special music played throughout Lunch. Residents requested their favourite beach themed songs throughout.
Today at Tabor Manor
- Tenants Wellness Sunday Service in Chapel 9:30am
- 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Church Service on TV 9:00am
Today at Pleasant Manor
- LTC Sunday Sing Along 9:30am
- LTC TV Church 10:00am
- LTC Travelogue: Dubai 3:00pm