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Loved ones reunite! June 29, 2020

Seeing loved ones reunite after 3+ months is heartwarming!

There has been so much joy this past week as some of our residents and tenants reunite with their loved ones through on-site (distanced) visits. There has been laughter and tears, and a whole lot of smiles!
At Radiant Care, we highly value relationships and we are delighted to play a role in reconnecting loved ones. Being able to spend time with a child, grandchild, parent, grandparent, spouse, relative, or friend is so life giving for each one of us.
We have created designated visitation areas on our sites for visitors to come visit their loved ones. These spaces are arranged to facilitate appropriate physical distancing and infection prevention and control measures, while providing a comfortable shaded area to meet. We have personal sound amplifiers available to amplify sound and reduce background noise so residents can hear their loved ones better.
Visits are being scheduled in advance and all visitors must meet the requirements outlined in our Visitation Plan. To learn more or to book a visit, please see our Visitation Plan:

Visitation Plan

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