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About the Foundation

Opening Doors for Seniors

The Radiant Care Foundation supports programs, events, and experiences for seniors who live at our two sites – Radiant Care Pleasant Manor and Radiant Care Tabor Manor – that would otherwise be beyond the ability and capability of all government and non-government sources of revenue to afford. In this way, the Foundation adds immense value to the experiences of those living at a Radiant Care home.

To this end, the activities of the Foundation rally around Opening Doors for Seniors initiatives, which at their core act to eliminate or minimize the social, physical, emotional, spiritual, and cognitive barriers often associated with aging and living in Long-Term Care and seniors’ residences. Almost 600 seniors live at our homes and, thanks to your support, they enjoy a full and varied Spiritual Enrichment program, equipment upgrades, and a variety of special programs and experiences that all work together to reduce barriers.

Help us Open Doors for Seniors. Your financial gift supports:

  • Spiritual enrichment
  • Montessori programming
  • Programs, events, and experiences
  • Enhanced equipment and supports for residents and tenants
  • Special projects

All expenditures are approved by the Foundation’s Board of Directors. Your donations help open doors for seniors: Through your generosity, we can enhance the lives of our residents and tenants in ways that add value and vitality to each day. Thank you for your support! We commit to being faithful stewards of your gifts.

All donations are tax receiptable.  Receipts are mailed annually.
CRA Charitable Registration Number #83062 2221 RR0001

Support the Radiant Care Foundation

Monthly Donation

We make it easy for you to support our homes through a recurring monthly donation. You decide which home your donation will support.

General Donation

Every donation is valued and appreciated, and serves the overall purpose of supporting the programs and services of our Radiant Care homes. You are invited to designate your gift to either one of our homes.

Memorial Donation

Honour the memory of a loved one through a donation. The funeral home will assist you by receiving your donation, or you can choose to contact Radiant Care directly.

Special Projects

Stay tuned for special projects to support. In 2017, for example, our Tenants Associations chose specific projects at each home. At Radiant Care Pleasant Manor, a very successful fund drive resulted in new park benches throughout the grounds, as well as revitalized sidewalks. At Radiant Care Tabor Manor, tenants supported the development of a Fitness and Wellness Centre, which is enjoyed by many on a daily basis!

Donate Through Your Estate

Leave a legacy by leaving a gift to the Radiant Care Foundation in your will. We collaborate with Will Power and Abundance Canada to provide you with information and resources to plan your legacy giving. Ask us about leaving a legacy gift to Radiant Care in your will while still caring for those you love.

Attend a Foundation Banquet

Check back for more information about future Foundation Banquets.

Leave A Legacy


We invite you to consider leaving a legacy gift to Radiant Care in your Will.

Wills are not just a legal means to distribute your personal assets; they are powerful tools for social change. And it’s not an either/or proposition – you can leave a gift to Radiant Care in your will while still taking care of those you love.


Learn More

Ways to Donate

Donate Online

You can make a donation through our Radiant Care website using your VISA or MasterCard.


Donate Online

Donate by Mail

Your donation by cheque, made payable to “Radiant Care Foundation”, can be mailed to:

Radiant Care Foundation
1 Tabor Drive
St. Catharines, Ontario
L2N 1V9

Donate In Person

Donations (cash or cheque) may be made in person at either site:

Radiant Care Pleasant Manor
15 Elden Street
Virgil Ontario

Radiant Care Tabor Manor
1 Tabor Drive
St. Catharines, Ontario

Questions? Contact Tim Siemens, CEO 905-934-3414, ext. 1052
Tim Siemens
Tim Siemens

Chief Executive Officer
905-934-3414 ext.1052

Become a Volunteer

Another way to support Radiant Care: the gift of your time!

We love our volunteers! Every day, at both our homes, our wonderful volunteers can be found:

  • Reading to a resident
  • Assisting residents in the dining room
  • Helping out with activities
  • Serving at the tuck shop and welcome desk
  • Pouring coffee
  • Playing piano for a sing-along

And so much more!

Contact our Volunteer Coordinator, who will help you identify the activity that suits your interests and your abilities.

Ask us about opportunities for volunteering. You will be a blessing to our homes, and you will be richly blessed in return.

Stephen Mason
Stephen Mason

Volunteer Coordinator,
905-934-3414 ext. 1009