We at Radiant Care know that many people are committed to helping. We see this every day through our work serving seniors, and in conversation with our dedicated network of volunteers and donors. We believe it is important that more people are aware that a charitable gift in a will is another way to make a big difference in the work we do.

Wills are not just a legal means to distribute your personal assets; they are powerful tools for social change. And it’s not an either/or proposition – you can leave a gift to Radiant Care in your will while still taking care of those you love.
Radiant Care is enhancing the lives of our residents and tenants in ways that add value and vitality to each day. We invite you to visit our Foundation page to learn more about the work the Radiant Care Foundation is doing to enhance the lives of seniors living at Radiant Care Pleasant Manor and Radiant Care Tabor Manor.
By leaving a gift to the Radiant Care Foundation in your will, you and your family are choosing thoughtful philanthropy and stewardship in a way that provides wonderful support to our homes.
Radiant Care partners with Abundance Canada and Will Power™ to provide you with information and resources to plan your legacy giving.
As always, we encourage you to contact us to learn how your future gift will make a difference at Radiant Care.
Questions? Contact Tim Siemens, CEO 905-934-3414, ext. 1052 Email Tim

Tim Siemens
CEO, Radiant Care
905-934-3414 ext.1052
Serving Seniors with Excellence, Love and Dignity.
Radiant Care is a faith-based, charitable not-for-profit organization offering a full continuum of seniors housing and care at two sites in the Niagara Region.