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Friendship Books December 3, 2021

Tabor Manor residents created friendship books to collect written memories from one another

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During one of our recent poem and reading programs at Tabor Manor, a conversation was sparked among residents about enjoyable book experiences from each person’s past. This led to a discussion about friendship/autograph books that many of them had as children. Residents shared how much they enjoyed these books and how these keepsakes were filled with messages, poems, drawings, and autographs from friends. They shared stories of how they would typically write a message in another person’s book as a memory keepsake. One of the most memorable quotes was one that a resident received from her first boyfriend, “Roses are red, Violets are blue, Sugar is sweet, And so are you!”

On World Kindness Day, November 13th, some of our Tabor Manor residents decided that it would be a great idea to bring this idea to life in our home. They made homemade books; everyone decorated their own book and then they wrote messages and signed their signature in one another’s. They had a grand ol’ time!

Special thanks to Niagara College student Courtney who helped create an enjoyable recollection of past events for our residents.

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