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ReachOut Issue #27: Jan – Mar 2019 February 26, 2019

ReachOut is a quarterly newsletter that shares stories and highlights from Radiant Care. There are also staff connections, messages from our Chaplains, and other important information.

Reach out 27: innovative growth and partnerships

Innovative Growth and Partnerships

Reach out 27: innovative growth and partnerships

An exciting new project is currently being piloted at Radiant Care Tabor Manor. Services available at the Fitness and Wellness Centre are being greatly enhanced by the presence of Niagara College graduates who are on hand five days a week to provide instruction, coaching and encouragement to Fitness Centre members. This partnership gives Niagara College an excellent venue for graduates to hone their skills and gain experience, and tenants reap the benefit of professional advice, coaching and programming. Pleasant Manor can look forward to a Fitness and Wellness Centre as part of the redevelopment project currently in the planning stages. In the meantime, the Fitness and Wellness Centre at the Tabor Manor site is available to all Radiant Care residents, tenant and employees from both homes – promoting health and wellness for the benefit of the entire Radiant Care community.

Relational Excellence and Cultural Preservation

Residents and tenants at both Radiant Care sites enjoyed a variety of Christmas celebrations throughout the month of December. Music, seasonal treats, along with beautifully arrayed Christmas trees and other decorations brought the spirit of Christmas to our homes. As well, times of worship and choir programs gave our residents and tenants many opportunities to celebrate the birth of our Saviour in festive and meaningful ways.

Specialization in Dementia and Palliative Care

Reach out 27: connexions

Donations to the Radiant Care Foundation are being put to good use by providing increased accessibility on both sites, for our more vulnerable seniors. Thanks to the generosity of donors, several new automatic door openers are being installed, making it easier and safer to navigate throughout our homes. We are proud to say that donations to the Foundation are ‘opening doors for seniors’, supporting greater independence and safety.


We are proud of all our employees, and at our staff Christmas banquet were thrilled to honour a number of employees who had reached milestones in their years of service with Radiant Care. Lucy Neufeld, Nursing Clerk at Radiant Care Pleasant Manor, and Dee Dee Getaneh, Supportive Housing PSW at Radiant Care Tabor Manor, have each been with us for over twenty years! They were asked to reflect on their experiences in our homes:

Reach out 27: connexions

Tabor Manor has seen a lot of change over the past twenty years. The home has grown a lot, and the Spruce Lane wellness suites have been a significant addition. The needs of the residents and tenants are growing as people are aging, which means growing responsibilities for the PSWs also. What doesn’t change is that this is a faith-based home. That makes me happy every day. Tabor Manor is my home away from home. As someone who came to Canada from another country, I have learned so much from the seniors I serve about how to embrace life in Canada, and just benefit from their wisdom.

Dee Dee Getaneh, Supportive Housing PSW at Radiant Care Tabor Manor
Reach out 27: connexions

Specializing in some of the administrative aspects of Long- Term Care, I have seen many changes in the past twenty years. We’ve adopted so many technological changes – from the way we prepare schedules and payroll, to even the use of cellphones and voicemail. Our processes have been streamlined in a major way. We need these tools to keep up with the changing needs of our seniors. They come to us later in life with greater frailties so the care we give is changing, both in the apartments and wellness suites as well as Long-Term Care. What never changes is the care – it stays consistently resident-focused to the very best of our ability. My favourite aspect about working at Pleasant Manor is building close relationships with colleagues, and together meeting the challenge of providing the best care possible.

Lucy Neufeld, Nursing Clerk at Radiant Care Pleasant Manor

The Spirit Is On The Move

Michael dyck

At Pleasant Manor we are anticipating some big changes to happen soon—a building project that will change the look and make up of this community. Changes can be challenging. But some things will never change: the promises of God’s love and grace, his redemptive work in this world, and his call to the church to participate in it. Here, we choose to engage in this never-changing work by lovingly caring for our tenants and residents, by encouraging the Christ community here to live out their faith boldly, and by inviting our Niagara congregations to join us in this work of the church. May we find it not so challenging, but joy-filled.

Mike Dyck, Chaplain, Radiant Care Pleasant Manor
Jim evans

A recent health concern has refreshed my resolve to live the time I have left to the fullest, and to be fully devoted to serving the Lord Jesus Christ and others! None of us know how long we have to live, and what opportunities we will still be given to show and tell God’s love and truth. The Apostle Paul expressed the same motivation this way; ‘But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. 15 Let those of us who are mature think this way…’ (Phil. 3:13-15) Let’s make sure to make the most of our lives, and to live for and serve the one who died for us!

Jim Evans, Lead Chaplain, Radiant Care Tabor Manor

Sprinkler Systems Project

The last several months have seen a whirlwind of activity in the hallways and apartment units of a number of Radiant Care buildings. The major project of installing sprinkler systems is now complete, throughout: Creekview, Oakview and Arborview at Pleasant Manor, and the Evergreen building at Tabor Manor. Other areas of both homes already had sprinkler systems in place.

Thank you to our tenants at both sites for their good humour, understanding and patience during this process. All apartments and common areas through Radiant Care now have up to date alarm and sprinkler systems, in keeping with the highest safety standards. A social gathering at each home took place on January 28, celebrating the completion of this important initiative.

Vital Statistics: Waiting Lists

Radiant Care Pleasant Manor Long-Term Care – 83
Radiant Care Pleasant Manor Apartments – 762
Radiant Care Tabor Manor Long-Term Care – 315
Radiant Care Tabor Manor Apartments. – 1,139


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