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Supportive Housing

180 Tenants Served
55 Personal Support Workers
$2.4M Combined Annual Budget
69,256 Safety Checks
10,000 Loads of Laundry Processed

The direct impact of the Supportive Housing program at Radiant Care is to keep seniors in their own apartments and life lease units as long as possible, out of Long-Term Care and the hospital.

We do this by providing a variety of support services to our tenants which affords them and their families peace of mind. Familiarity and continuity of care, community, and faith are all hallmarks of a robust continuum of care, even as personal needs change.

The team of over 55 PSWs provides support directly in apartment suites and life lease units in loving and meaningful ways, all at no extra cost to the client.

IMG 0617
13,000 Baths or Showers Provided
89,239 Meals Provided
1,257 Medication Reminders Provided
3,609 Unscheduled Responses Provided
458 Emergency Responses
89 Average Age of Clients Served
RadiantCare March2024 54

Serving Seniors with Excellence, Love and Dignity.

Radiant Care is a faith-based, charitable not-for-profit organization offering a full continuum of seniors housing and care at two sites in the Niagara Region.