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Our Foundation

5 Bus Trips
13 Special Music Events
48 Music Therapy Events
9 Special Events Totaling $16,306
$20K Allocated to Support Spiritual Life Activities

The Radiant Care Foundation’s impact on seniors living at Radiant Care Pleasant Manor and Radiant Care Tabor Manor is expressed through the annual “Opening Doors for Seniors” initiative.

Through the active and intentional work of the Foundation, seniors are exposed to a rich tapestry of events, activities, and experiences they would otherwise be closed to were it not for the efforts of our donors.

In 2023, the impact of the Foundation was felt most in its support of the recovery, restoration, and rebuilding efforts following the pandemic.

Events and activities of the 2023 Opening Doors for Seniors initiative were derived from the expressed interests of the long-term care residents and apartment tenants, culminating in a range of bus trips, music events, special activities, special meal deliveries, and equipment purchases.


Serving Seniors with Excellence, Love and Dignity.

Radiant Care is a faith-based, charitable not-for-profit organization offering a full continuum of seniors housing and care at two sites in the Niagara Region.