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About Us

Pleasant Manor and Tabor Manor operate collectively as Radiant Care, two campuses of care that provide life lease, rental housing, and Long-Term Care to individuals 65 years of age and older in the Niagara region.

Our work and purpose as charities is to provide residential housing, as well as related facilities, programs, and support services, for seniors to alleviate the effects of aging.

Our values of Christian evangelical and Anabaptist faith and heritage influence directly the manifestation of our care, services, and stewardship of the 600-plus seniors who call Pleasant Manor or Tabor Manor their home, the type of care we provide, and the diligent use of the financial resources entrusted to us.

The ensuing report highlights the six main divisions that make up Radiant Care, the impact each division is having within the homes, the impact the homes are making within their respective communities, and the Niagara community as a whole.

Also, included in this report is a summary of the impact the new Long-Term Care project currently underconstruction at Pleasant Manor will have, and our housing retrofit project is currently having within the homes and broader Niagara community.

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Alaina Costea
Human Resources Manager
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Michael Dyck
Spiritual Life Lead
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Eileen Tepsa
Director of Finance
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Fola Akano
Senior Administrator LTC
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Megan Challice
Supportive Housing Manager
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Rick Green
Maintenance Manager

Serving Seniors with Excellence, Love and Dignity.

Radiant Care is a faith-based, charitable not-for-profit organization offering a full continuum of seniors housing and care at two sites in the Niagara Region.