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2020 Annual Report April 7, 2021

2020 was a year like no other! We adapted, we innovated, we overcame.

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2020 was a year like no other! We adapted, we innovated, we overcame.

Despite the restrictions and the uncertainty caused by the pandemic, Radiant Care continued to serve seniors with excellence, love, and dignity. Our staff went above and beyond to protect our vulnerable seniors, and to provide them with the care and support they need and deserve. We continued to expand our partnerships with community organizations and progress our plans for future growth. Our Foundation continued to support those living in our homes, particularly relationally and spiritually, during a year of increased isolation. Read more in our 2020 Annual Report.

Our annual report contains an update on our Strategic Plan, information about donations and how our Foundation uses donations to support those living in our homes, and an overview of Radiant Care’s funding sources.

2020 Annual Report



Our previous years’ Annual Reports are also available for viewing:

Annual Reports



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